Intended audience
This clinic targets quantitative scientists, including mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, and infectious disease epidemiologists with strong quantitative backgrounds. Applicants should be junior / early career researchers and can be based at institutions anywhere in the world. Participants will engage with meaningful questions about infectious disease dynamics by integrating mathematical models with epidemiological data.
Selection criteria
Selection of participants will be on the basis of the applicant’s academic background, the unique perspectives that they will bring to the Clinic, and the degree to which the selection committee expects the applicant will benefit from attending the Clinic. We expect to have up to eight places for applicants based outside Africa and up to ten places for applicants from African institutions.
Course fees
The course registration fee is currently planned to be ZAR35,000. The fee includes room and board for the two weeks of the Clinic. A small number of scholarships will be available. Instructions for paying the course fee will be made available to successful applicants by the end of May.
MMED 2025 will be held at the African Institute of Mathematical Sceinces in Muizenberg, Cape Town, South Africa.
The full schedule for MMED 2025 will be available via the Clinic website approximately 1 month before the Clinic.
Schedules from previous years: